CRPO: All local trains from Sealdah to be suspended from tonight

Due to the threat of cyclone ‘Dana,’ no local trains will depart from Sealdah on Thursday night. Services will be suspended from 8 PM. Trains from the last station on the opposite end will leave for Sealdah until 7 PM. After that, trains will arrive at their respective destinations as scheduled. No new local trains will depart, said Kaushik Mitra, the Chief Public Relations Officer of Eastern Railway. According to him, on Thursday and Friday, no local trains will depart from Sealdah or for Sealdah from any terminal station, for a total of 14 hours. Rail services from Sealdah will remain suspended until 10 AM on Friday, while train operations from the last station on the opposite end, will resume from 9 AM on Friday.


In a video message on Wednesday, Mr. Mitra stated, ‘Keeping in mind the cyclone Dana, the Eastern Railway’s Sealdah Division has decided that no local trains will leave Sealdah Station after 8 PM on October 24. No trains from Hasnabad, Namkhana or the same branch will depart for Sealdah after 7 PM.’

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